Support PSS

The Park Slope Singers was founded in 1992. We give people an opportunity to sing and present concerts which we make available to the public at reasonable prices or for free. Our supporters help us to provide music to our community, pay the professionals who lead us, purchase music, rent rehearsal space and so much more. The Park Slope Singers could not exist without you, so thank you.

Backers .......................... $1-$24

Donors ........................... $25-$59

Friends .......................... $60-$99

Benefactors ................... $100-$249

Patrons .......................... $250-$399

Sponsors ........................ $400+

Backers and Donors: Benefits include a listing in our concert programs and on our website.

Friends: Benefits include a ticket to each concert and a listing in our concert programs and on our website.

Patrons: All the benefits of a Friend and an additional ticket to each concert.

Sponsors: All the benefits of a Patron and an prominent listing in our program and on our website.

Pay Online with Zeffy


Pay with Personal Check

Please mail to:

Park Slope Singers Inc.

c/o R. Anderson

6665 Colonial Road, Apt. 4A

Brooklyn NY 11220-4895

The Park Slope Singers is a 501(c)(3) organization, and any donation you make is tax-deductible.

Unable to donate online? Please email to inquire about becoming a supporter of the Park Slope Singers. We appreciate your interest and your support of local music!

2024 Supporters of PSS


Rick Anderson & Gail Green-Anderson Peter Benton Frank and Barbara Bolton Karen de Chabert


In honor of Peter Benton for his technical expertise in producing CDs Margaret Hagen In Memory of Anthony LaGattuta for his work in assisting the Park Slope Singers to become a 501(c)(3) corporation Bert Marro Peter Polito Marythelma Ransom Michael Salvatore Melanie Schwartz


Jane Bishop Dustin Francis David Odegaard Eileen Rourke in honor of Mara Goodman

Other Donations

Lowell Accola Mahmoud Arram James Egan Irna Gadd Sal Leggio Kiera Newwejaar Rita Ormsby Debra Reiner Esta Rose Britta Sembach (auf Berlin)